
OUR HOUSE trains clergy, chaplains, and pastoral counselors at hospitals, hospices, congregations, and seminaries on how to talk with patients who are dying and families who are grieving. We provide clergy and seminary students a unique interactive opportunity to learn from our grief experts and OUR HOUSE alumni.

OUR HOUSE provides training on the natural grief process and the support that grieving families and congregants say they need and hope to receive from clergy.

“The training was a good learning experience that deepened my skills in how to be with people at and after their hardest moments in life and emphasize the “sacredness” of being present and listening.” Hospital Chaplain

“OUR HOUSE’s class was very helpful. A real insight into what it feels like to counsel and be with grieving or dying individuals. Learned a great deal about silence and its value. This was an invaluable class.” Rabbinical School Student

“I want to express my gratitude for the time and effort invested in these sessions. Death and mourning are difficult topics to address even in a clergy setting. I appreciated the opportunity to hear from an OUR HOUSE Alumnus about her grief experiences and how we as clergy can deal with specific issues mourners might have.” Seminary Student

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