On Saturday, September 14, join us as OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center celebrates the inaugural Game Night for Hope: Casino Royale!

Join us for an unforgettable evening at our first ever Game Night for Hope: Casino Royale, hosted at Hollywood’s exclusive Trophy Room from 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM. Game Night is a lively evening for adults aged 21 and older, merging the Valley Advisory Board’s Game Day with the Associate Board’s Night for Hope. Enjoy a variety of thrilling games such as roulette, blackjack, poker, and bingo. Savor handcrafted cocktails and exquisite hors d’oeuvres while taking part in exciting activities, including our raffle and more!

Sponsorships & Tickets

 Learn more about the Game Night for Hope and sponsorship opportunities! For more information about sponsorships, contact josh@ourhouse-grief.org.

Purchase Sponsorships & Tickets!

Raffle Donations

 Interested in donating an item to our raffle? Submit to our raffle donation form! Every donation makes this event the best it can possibly be.

Raffle Donation Form

We Are Thrilled To Honor

Beacon of Hope Award

Pro dancer, on-air personality, Emmy-nominated choreographer, and grief advocate with over 7.5 million followers across Instagram & TikTok

Spirit of Compassion Award

CEO of The Jacmar Companies and the visionary behind The Trophy Room, an extraordinary venue that was created as an homage to John’s father

Past Event Highlights

Thank You to OUR
2019 Night for Hope Event Participants

With your help, we raised more than $55,000
to provide grief support to children, teens and adults.

Thank You to OUR
2018 Night for Hope Event Participants

Thanks to you we set a new record, raising more than $55,000 to provide grief support to children, teens, and adults.

About the Associate Board

The OUR HOUSE Associate Board serves as a philanthropic group of 21 young professionals and grief support advocates who are inspired to make a profound difference in their community by hosting special events designed to create public awareness of OUR HOUSE programs and services and other issues surrounding grief. Since founded in 2008, the Associate Board has raised more than $325K.

Meet Members of the Board

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