
Duelo mientras practica la distancia social durante COVID-19

Consejos para sobrellevar la muerte de un ser querido minetras se practica la distancia física durante el Coronavirus. Escribí y grabé este recurso para hablar sobre el duelo en tiempos de Coronavirus y ofrecerles unas maneras prácticas de cómo pueden lidiar con los sentimientos intensos...
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Death & Traditional Rituals During COVID-19

How do we say goodbye to someone we love when we are unable to carry out our traditional funeral rituals? Not being able to hold a service and burial within the early days or weeks after a death is yet one more aspect of our...
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Grief & Physical Distancing During COVID-19

In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the Safer at Home ordinance, those who are grieving may find themselves in a unique place. As described in our Natural Grief Responses info sheet, grief is experienced in a variety of ways. During this period...
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